Student Achievement

This page contains information about some of the achievements of Subang State Polytechnic students, both on a provincial, national and international scale. Let's support all students who participate in each competition, so that the achievements of Subang State Polytechnic students can continue to increase.


Jawa Barat Model Hunt 2022

Politeknik Negeri Subang melalui Muhamad Sayuti berhasil meraih juara pertama dalam event Jawa Barat Model Hunt 2022


Polsub 3rd Place AITEC 2021

A total of five Agroindustry D-III Study Program students successfully passed the preliminary round of the 2021 Agricultural Innovation Technology Competition (AITeC) national competition.


Polsub Wins Third Place in Essay Competition

Politeknik Negeri Subang won again in the Work From Home Competition held by Institute English Competition 5, South Tapanuli Education Institute, North Sumatra.


Polsub achievements in English Contest 2020

Politeknik Negeri Subang won first place in the English Contest 2020 activity held by Singaperbangsa Karawang University.


Polsub Finalis KMIPN 2019

Three students of the Subang State Polytechnic Information System D-III Study Program who are members of the Girls Power group managed to become finalists in the 2019 Informatics Student Competition.


Polsub The Best Ten English Essay

Tiga mahasiswa Program Studi D-III Sistem Informasi Politeknik Negeri Subang berhasil merah prestasi dalam Java English Competition 2019. Ketiga mahasiswa, Ayi Putri Nurkaidah, Fauzi Fadhlurrohman, dan Firizki Rofa, berhasil meraih 10 terbaik dalam lomba English Essay.