About Us

Politeknik Negeri Subang

Subang State Polytechnic is the first public university in Subang Regency. Subang State Polytechnic Education is a Vocational Higher Education Diploma III Program, which is an educational program that aims to prepare experts, skilled, ready to work, and able to compete in their fields within a period of 3 years or 6 semesters.

Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb.

The Director and the entire academic community of the Subang State Polytechnic hereby welcome to the Subang State Polytechnic web-based information media service. Media information is one form of concrete efforts from the institution in order to align the Subang State Polytechnic with other universities in Indonesia that have first entered the world of global information. In addition, it is hoped that this service can become a gateway (portal) and provider of information and communication for all parties from all over the world who need data and information about Subang State Polytechnic.

We realize that as an academic institution that functions as a printer of quality human resources and with a global perspective, Subang State Polytechnic is required to be able to provide as much data and information as possible for those in need, as well as provide sources of information that can access accurate, relevant and up-to-date information.

Finally, we hope that this web-based information service can provide benefits for those who need it, and we will continue to develop this service, so that in turn it will be able to satisfy the information needs of all those who need it. For this reason, constructive criticism and suggestions are very much expected for the progress of this service.

That's all I can say. To all users of information technology who have visited this website, we thank you.

Wassalamualaikum, Wr. Wb.

By 2030, it will become one of the best polytechnics in Indonesia.

  • provide quality vocational higher education;
  • conducting research oriented to applied technology;
  • carry out community service that is oriented towards appropriate technology;
  • develop a reliable management system for transparent and trusted governance;
  • collaborate with stakeholders.
  • develop a quality and sustainable higher education vocational education system;
  • produce graduates who have expertise in their respective fields;
  • menghasilkan penelitian yang bermanfaat bagi pemangku kepentingan.
  • membangun manajemen yang efisien, efektif dan mandiri;
  • meningkatkan kualitas dosen dan tenaga kependidikan.

Politeknik Negeri Subang (POLSUB) sebagai salah satu dari 43 Politeknik Negeri di Indonesia, memiliki peran yang cukup strategis dalam pembangunan nasional, untuk menghasilkan lulusan siap pakai sesuai dengan bidang keahliannya. Dalam upaya mewujudkan peran tersebut, sejak awal POLSUB telah melaksanakan program pendidikan vokasi yang dahulu disebut sebagai jalur pendidikan profesional. Pada pendidikan vokasi, porsi peningkatan keterampilan dalam bentuk kegiatan praktik dan praktikum menempati porsi lebih tinggi dibanding kegiatan perkuliahan di dalam kelas. Untuk mewujudkan peran tersebut, berbagai upaya pengembangan juga telah dilakukan untuk membenahi pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran yang lebih baik. Pelaksanaan program pengembangan dilakukan secara bertahap.

Subang State Polytechnic (POLSUB) is a new state university whose establishment process is planned through a memorandum of agreement (MOU) between the Subang Regency Government and the Director General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2011. On April 2, 2014 the Subang State Polytechnic was inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia when Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the State Palace. After the inauguration, the first Director of POLSUB was appointed through the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture no. 112/MPK.A4/KP/2014, dated 24 April 2014.

At that time there were no campus buildings and facilities at all, so the Subang Regency Government according to the MOU lent a temporary classroom building for the Subang State Polytechnic which was located at SMA PGRI 2 and SMA Langlang Buana which are still being used to run lectures. In addition, the Subang Regency Government also lent the official house of the Head of the Subang Regency DPRD as a temporary Directorate office. With the increase in activities, employees, and lecturers, since the end of 2015 the Rectorate Office of the Subang State Polytechnic has officially moved from the official house of the Head of the Regency DPRD. Subang to the Islamic Center Building which is located on Jalan Arief Rahman Hakim number 8 until now.

POLSUB yang pada awalnya belum memiliki sumber daya manusia sama sekali, banyak mendapat bantuan teknis dari Politeknik Negeri Bandung (POLBAN) dan Politeknik Negeri Manufaktur Bandung (POLMAN). Dengan bantuan teknis dari kedua Politeknik Negeri tersebut, maka secara perlahan POLSUB mulai dapat berjalan. Di tahun 2015 dilakukan MoU dan Perjanjian Kerja Sama dengan beberapa lembaga pemerintah, yaitu dengan Pusat Pengembangan Teknologi Tepat Guna LIPI dan Balai Latihan Kerja (BLK) Kabupaten Subang, guna membantu proses perkuliahan dan praktik mahasiswa.

Subang State Polytechnic has three departments, namely Information Management (MI), Agroindustry (AI), and Mechanical Maintenance and Repair Engineering (TPPM). The establishment of the Subang State Polytechnic is based on an appropriate basic concept and is oriented towards the potential for regional development in Subang Regency. The core concept is to accelerate development in newly growing regions to support industrial growth as well as in developing regions to accelerate global industrial development in Indonesia.

In 2018, in connection with the transfer of guidance from the Regency Government Akper to the Subang State Polytechnic, permission was given to Open a Nursing Study Program at the Subang State Polytechnic with a decree of the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Number 1263/KPT/1/2018.

Struktur Organisasi Politeknik Negeri Subang Periode 2022-2026
DirekturOyok Yudiyanto, S.T, M.T.
Wakil Direktur Bidang Akademik dan KemahasiswaanWiwik Endah Rahayu, S.TP., M.Si.
Wakil Direktur Bidang Umum dan KeuanganNunu Nugraha Purnawan, S.Pd., M.Kom.
Ketua SenatDwi Vernanda, S.T., M.Pd.
Ketua Satuan PengawasanNurfitria Khoirunnisa, S.Tr.Kom., M.Kom.
Kepala Bagian Umum dan AkademikZaenal Abidin, S.Pd.I., M.Si.
Ketua Jurusan Teknik Perawatan dan Perbaikan MesinAditya Nugraha, S.Pd., M.Sc.
Ketua Jurusan Manajemen InformatikaTri Herdiawan Apandi, S.ST., M.T.
Ketua Jurusan AgroindustriIrna Dwi Destiana, S.Pd., M.Si.
Kepala Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada MasyarakatNovian Mahayu Adiutama, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep.
Kepala Pusat Pengembangan Pembelajaran dan Penjamin Mutu PendidikanAzhis Sholeh Buchori, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Kepala Unit Pelaksana Teknis BahasaNurizzi Rifqi Ferdian, S.S., M.A.
Kepala Unit Pelaksana Teknis Teknologi Informasi dan KomunikasiDwi Vernanda, S.T., M.Pd.

College Accreditation:

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Politeknik Negeri Subang

NoStudy programLevelDecree NumberYearAccreditationTanggal KadaluarsaStatus Download Sertifikat
1Information SystemsD-III114/SK/LAM-INFOKOM/Ak/D3/VIII/20232023Baik Sekali18 Agustus 2028ValidDownload
2AgroindustryD-III4810/SK/BAN-PT/Ak/D3/XI/20232023Baik Sekali21 November 2028ValidDownload
3Machine MaintenanceD-III0310/SK/LAM Teknik/VD3/XII/20232023Baik Sekali20 Agustus 2023ValidDownload
4NursingD-III0153/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Dip/IV/20202020C24 April 2025ValidDownload
4Teknologi Produksi Tanaman PanganD-IV016/SK/LAM-INFOKOM/Ak.Min/STr/IX/20232023Baik23 Januari 2026ValidDownload
4Teknologi Rekayasa Perangkat LunakD-IV016/SK/LAM-INFOKOM/Ak.Min/STr/IX/20232023Baik9 September 2025ValidDownload
4Teknologi Rekayasa ManufakturD-IV0257/SK/LAM Teknik/PB.VST/VIII/20232023Baik20 Agustus 2025ValidDownload