Alumni are anyone who graduated with Associate Expert from Subang State Polytechnic. The alumni also consist of an integral part and also a community that has ties to the Subang State Polytechnic. Alumni are also people or communities that make a significant contribution to POLSUB.
The academic community will continue to maintain the relationship between POLSUB and alumni who live in Indonesia or abroad. We also provide a portal for alumni to stay connected with friends while studying at POLSUB and even find new friends with similar interests and goals through online networks and other alumni activities held at POLSUB. In addition, we also hope to make alumni stay connected with information related to developments in POLSUB.
Untuk bisa merealisasikan setiap kegiatan di atas, maka dimohon kepada setiap alumni untuk mengisi Tracer Study di bawah ini, dengan harapan para sivitas akademika POLSUB bisa terus terubung dengan para alumni.