
Admission of New Students

The SNMPN pathway is a selection of the Invitation Path which is intended for prospective participants/school students who will continue their education at vocational universities or Polytechnics and State Politanies throughout Indonesia.

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The SBMPN path is a selection of the Exam Path which is intended for prospective participants/school students who will continue their education at vocational universities or Polytechnics and State Politanies throughout Indonesia.

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The UM path is a selection of the Exam Path which is intended for prospective participants/school students who will continue their education at the Subang State Polytechnic which is carried out independently.Complete information



Student Registration Even Semester Academic Year 2021/2022

Diumumkan kepada seluruh mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Subang untuk melakukan registrasi semester genap tahun akademik 2021/2022 sesuai dengan tata cara dan prosedur yang telah ditentukan.


Announcement of Odd Semester Holiday for Academic Year 2021/2022

Notified to all students and lecturers in charge of courses at the Subang State Polytechnic. The following is the announcement of the odd semester holiday for the 2021/202 academic year

Politeknik Negeri Subang

Future is in your hands


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Department of Informatics Management

The Department of Information Management is designed to support the needs of Information technology in the Subang Regency area and outside the Subang Regency area. So that graduates are expected to have knowledge and skills in designing and managing information systems.

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Agroindustry Department

The Agroindustry Department is designed to support the agriculture, fisheries and livestock sectors in the Subang Regency and outside the Subang Regency area. So that graduates are expected to be able to work in the field of Agroindustrial technology.

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Department of Mechanical Maintenance and Repair

The Department of Mechanical Maintenance and Repair is designed to support industrial activities in the Subang Regency area and outside the Subang Regency area. So that the graduates are expected to be able to plan, implement, supervise and control the maintenance and repair activities of industrial machines.

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Department of Health

The Department of Health is designed to support health service activities in the Subang Regency area and outside the Subang Regency area.